Our Values

Everyone lives by a set of values.  What we value tends to guide our decisions, our actions, and our thoughts.  As a Church of the Nazarene we hold three important values that help guide us in serving our community.

We are a Christian People

To be Christian means first and foremost you are a part of Christians from all over the world who claim Jesus Christ as both their Lord and Savior.  We might have different styles of worship, different ways to doing things, or differences in opinions but we are united in our historic beliefs about the triune God (here’s a little more about that).  Second, it means you are a part of a mission given by Jesus to all his people.  At Dayspring we express this mission as helping people to live like Christ in their homes and communities.

We are a Holiness People

We believe God’s grace is both saving and transforming us.  So as a holiness people we believe God has empowered us, by the Holy Spirit, to live a life of love of God and neighbor.  At Dayspring this takes on a particular diverse look as people from all walks of life gather together.

We are a Missional People

We are a people who respond to God’s leading by witnessing to the redemptive work of Christ in our homes, workplaces, and communities.  Together we respond in times of need, share the story of redemption, and seek to serve our community in the ways Christ has taught us.