Our Beliefs

Every church believes something, so we think you’re smart to look into what we believe.  As Dayspring Community Church of the Nazarene, our beliefs have been formed by the history of Christianity, our experiences in the real world, thoughtful reflection, most importantly the God who is revealed in the Bible.  Together, we hold the following beliefs as necessary to Christian faith and life.

As you read through our beliefs you may have questions; here’s a <good place to ask /contact/>.  You might also like a little more detail than what we’ve posted here (we could have posted pages worth of information but this seemed like a good summary).  If you’re looking for more detail try visiting the Church of the Nazarene‘s website.

We believe in one Creator God, who reveals himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Bible is completely inspired relevant Word of God for all people in matters of faith and life in Christ.

We believe that all people have sinned.

We believe that we each choose how to respond to God’s grace, either accepting grace or rejecting grace.  Those accepting receiving eternal life and those rejecting finding themselves eternally lost.

We believe that the work of Jesus Christ is for all people; and that whoever repents and believes in Christ is saved from sin and given new life in Christ.

We believe that as Christians we need to offer our whole lives to God (the biblical word describing this is sanctification). When we give ourselves to God in this way, his Spirit can fully mold us into Christ-likeness; his perfect love is reflected in our attitudes and actions; and God empowers us to live more abundantly.

We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to work in us and through us as a witness to the grace of God in our lives.

We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again, the dead will be raised, and he will take his place as Lord of all creation defeating evil and living with his people.